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 Play May 2nd - Sept 19th 


7:30 - 8:00    9:40 - 10:00

12:30 - 1:00    3:00 - 3:30

 Plus  4:30 - 6:00  &

5:00 - 6:00 (18 Rotation)

(these blocks will be shared with the Women's League)

 Men's League 2024 

 Register March 6th 

On March 6th, the RED registration links below will be ACTIVE!


After you pay, you are officially signed up for the league. You will have the option to pay online, or in the Pro Shop before May 1st.


Please make sure you and your friends sign up together, as there are only a specific number of spots available.


If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to reach out. There is also a FAQ at the bottom of this page. 


The blocks below will accommodate tee times every 10 minutes.
For example, if you sign up for the 12:30-1:00 block, you can put your name on the tee sheet for 12:30, 12:40, 12:50 or 1:00 so long as another league players name isn't already posted.
ONLY the front 9 of your scorecard counts during league play; but some blocks are posted to the 18 rotation for your enjoyment.
FULL THURS 9:40-10:00 9 HOLES
FULL THURS 5:00-6:00 9/18

If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to ask!

Register For: $100 

Play weekly from May - September with the guys!

What's included in this price...

Chances at weekly prize giveaways

Pay the twilight fee of $22.50 to play 9 holes, or play 18 for $35.00.


Paying the twilight fee before twilight hours, is only offered during Men's League games.

Compare our prices on our RATES PAGE.

22 weeks of blocked time to book a game with your friends, without competing for a spot with the public!

When you register for the Men's League, you can also register seperately to play in 3 Saturday morning tournaments during the season! This option will be made available to the first 44 golfers who are interested.

TOURNAMENT DATES  July 20th   August 17th   Oct. 5th

The price for these tournaments are TBD...

These tournaments will all include prizes, and the last tournament to close the season off will include food and drink. 

Optional ADD ON: $47.50

CPGC is offering you something SPECIAL!

For the first time ever, Centennial Park Golf is offering a Golf Canada Membership at a discounted price of $42 +tax to all League Members!

Here's WHY you want to register with Golf Canada...

Officially registering your handicap won’t only benefit you individually, but it will also keep track of your progress within the CPGC Men's League. When more players take advantage of this opportunity, we can recognize the progress made throughout the season, and fairly determine tournament play.

The regular price for this membership is $59 +tax but when you join through our club, the price is reduced to $42 +tax. 

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How do I add my name to the tee sheet?

When you register for a playing block above, for example 4:30 - 6, you are able to play at any time during those hours. Centennial is setting these blocked hours aside for the league so you don't have to compete with tee-on. Below is what the Google doc tee sheet will look like.

Every week, I will email this document to you 6 days before every game, so you can enter your name on any spot that's available. To edit, click on the pencil icon at the bottom right hand side of the sheet. Enter your name and save the changes. 
If you need any help with putting you name on this document, I am more than happy to help you.

Who joins men's league?

The men who play in men's league roughly range in age from 35-60. For any juniors looking to join a league aged 16-20, CPGC will be offering you a chance this July!  

What is the weekly playing format?

The weekly playing format for this league is a regular 9 hole game of golf. However, if 9 holes isn't enough golf (and we understand!) then the pro shop will honour a twilight rate for you to play 18! Only the front 9 of your scorecard will be evaluated for stats. Please drop your scorecards off inside the pro shop at the end of your round.

What is the tournament format?

The tournament format will be different for every game, and has yet to be determined. We'll let you know as soon as this is decided.

How come the cut off to the full league with tournaments has a cut off of 48 players?

Men's League runs on Thursday, when more tee times can be blocked and reserved for our gentlemen to play, whereas the league tournaments have traditionally been played Saturday mornings. Due to the volume of golfers that play every weekend, we can only block off so many spots for our league. The tournaments are an exciting aspect to Men's League, and we look forward to hosting every season!

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